Logo of Eveera with a green silhouette and stylized text.

Taking 12 Eggshells A Day Can Destroy Knee & Hip Pain In 2 WEEKS!

According to 64 REAL doctors across 14+ REAL clinical studies. But How?

Eggshells in a basket versus X-ray images of joints and bones.

"It was a 15 mins read, but it was worth every second" Martha, 48, US

Remember when you used to spring out of bed, ready to seize the day?

You could tie your shoes with ease, reach for that top-shelf item without a second thought, and put on your clothes without the slightest struggle.

Those were the days when joint pain was just a distant worry, something that happened to other people.

But now, it seems like every movement is a reminder of how precious those times were.

Right now eggshells might as well seem like a REALLY BAD JOKE on our end.

But they might just be the last solution you'll ever try.

And that's not a promise!

That's what 64 REAL doctors, 14+ REAL clinical research studies, and hundreds of people who tried it have to say.

Here are 5 reasons how and why 12 eggshells a day can eliminate hip and knee pain or swelling.

How are Eggshells more powerful than Bone Broth?

How are Eggshells more powerful than Bone Broth?

You might already be aware of eggshells' bone benefits, given their richness in calcium.

But they're also a GOLDMINE for the best proteins and nutrients for cartilage, connective tissue, inflammation, swelling, stiffness... and more

These nutrients reside within a thin white lining that sticks to the inside of the shell.

They have demonstrated significant clinical results such as:

✅ Cutting joint pain in almost HALF in less than 2 WEEKS

✅ Reducing Stiffness by 59% in 4 WEEKS

✅ Reducing CTX-II (biomarker for cartilage breakdown) by 17.22% in ONE WEEK

✅And growing the gap between cartilage

These results are no surprise given the concentration of powerful nutrients all in ONE PLACE:

A pink droplet image with 'Collagen I' written inside it.

Collagen type I:

Incredibly essential once you reach your 40s and 50s. It helps with connective recovery and healing if you start early.

It's great for skin, hair, nails and intestines.

Collagen type I consists 90% of the body's collagen, but as we age its production declines so you need a constant supply to keep most of your organs in tip-top shape.

Most supplements in the market have done a great job of supplying this one, but it's not enough on its own.

'Illustration of a red droplet with 'Collagen V' text.'

Collagen Type V:

Quite rare, helps with the formation of tissues, cartilage and bone, it's essential for maintaining joint health.

Contributes to the interstitial matrix of muscles as well.

This is where eggshell membranes shine as they contain a high amount of this type of collagen.

'Illustration of a pink droplet labeled 'Collagen X' with smaller surrounding droplets.'

Collagen Type X:

Even more scarce than type V.

Multiple studies have shown that collagen type X is a reliable marker for new bone formation in articular cartilage².

This makes it crucial for maintaining strong and healthy and preventing Bone-on Bone.

Illustration of a human knee joint with a red circle highlighting pain or inflammation.

Hyaluronic Acid "for Synovial fluid":

Synovial fluid typically has high levels of hyaluronic acid (HA), which maintain fluid viscosity and joint integrity by reducing inflammation and preserving the cartilaginous matrix³.

A lack of HA, common in arthritis and osteoarthritis, reduces viscosity and elasticity, leading to stiffness and limited motion, compromising your mobility.

Illustration of a human knee joint with a red circle highlighting pain or inflammation.

Chondroitin "for inflammation & swelling":

Chondroitin has anti-inflammatory effects that can reduce joint inflammation and swelling ⁴. Studies also suggest it can inhibit enzymes that break down cartilage.

Abstract black and white circuit board design.

Elastin "for tissue elasticity":

A protein that helps with tissue elasticity, providing support and stability to joints. It also gives tissues rubber-like properties to absorb and withstand shock

Icon of a broken white bone on a black background.

Calcium + D3 "for bone strength & density":

If combined properly with Collagen, calcium and D3, is highly effective in maintaining bone strength and density. It is also crucial for preserving healthy cartilage.

2. Validated by 64 doctors in 14+ clinical trials

Let's cut to the chase. How 12 eggshells a day can actually help you?

'Scientific Research page detailing a study on NEM® for knee osteoarthritis treatment.'

A 2016 human clinical study evaluated the effectiveness of a daily 500mg of Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®)⁶

-Eggshell Membrane is the thin white lining we talked about earlier-

500mg is approximately equivalent to 12 partially hydrolyzed eggshells (we'll discuss hydrolysis later).

This clinical study involved subjects diagnosed with osteoarthritis.

Researchers measured pain and stiffness indices using the WOMAC Osteoarthritis Index

Within 10 days, the doctors overseeing this study observed a 40.6% improvement in WOMAC pain sub-index.

Bar graph showing a decrease in mean composite pain scores from baseline over 10 and 30 days.

This means that as close as we are currently to measuring pain.

Hydrolyzed eggshell membrane can work in a rapid time frame to CUT PAIN by ALMOST HALF (40.6%) in only 10 DAYS!!!

By 30 days, however, they noted a SIGNIFICANT 66.4% improvement in pain sub-index

Which is truly astonishing considering that Eggshell membrane is a 100% natural nutritional source.

Bar chart showing mean composite stiffness score at baseline, 10 days, and 30 days intervals.

They also concluded a significant reduction in WOMAC stiffness sub-index by 22.2% at 10 days.

AND BY 59.7% AT 30 DAYS!!!

Showcasing its ability to reduce stiffness and promote flexibility.

Journal article on the efficacy and safety of Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM) for knee osteoarthritis.

A double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical study in 2019 reinforced these findings

The study demonstrated that daily intake enhances PAIN and STIFFNESS INDICES EVEN AFTER 90 DAYS!!!

Showcasing further and exponential improvements. As the graphs below illustrates.

Pain index progression

Line graph comparing WOMAC pain scores for placebo and NEM group over 90 days.

Stiffness index progression

Graph comparing WOMAC stiffness scores between Placebo and NEM groups over 90 days.

Another 2018 study examined its effectscartilage turnover, in healthy postmenopausal women.

It found that hydrolyzed eggshell membrane can significantly lower CTX-II levels

High CTX-II levels mark cartilage breakdown.

After only one week, CTX-II levels of dropped by 17.2% than baseline

Showcasing its power in preventing cartilage deterioration and degradation.

'NIH article on eggshell membrane as a natural therapeutic for joint and connective tissue disorders.'

Back in 2009, one of the first studies on Hydrolyzed Natural Eggshell Membrane (NEM®) efficacy took place ¹⁰

And since then, it has shown incredible promise in managing arthritis and osteoarthritis.

Since then, it has been examined by 64 doctors across 14+ clinical trials ⁽¹¹⁻²¹⁾

All links to these studies are included in the footnotes.

3. NEM® With 6 Awards since 2009

Natural Eggshell Membrane, or NEM®, is a remarkable patented ingredient for its immense potential.

Since 2009, it has been honored with winning 4 prestigious awards, and a finalist for 2. Reflecting its outstanding benefits.

Nutra Ingredients Awards 2021 finalist logo with orange and purple leaf design.

Finalist: 2021 NutraIngredient-USA Ingredient of the Year Sports Nutrition

'Finalist for Nutra Ingredients Awards 2019 graphic.'

Finalist: 2019 NutraIngredients-USA – Nutrition Research Project

Development of a Healthy-population Clinical Model for Evaluating Joint Health Therapeutics

Glass Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award 2018 on a blue background.

Winner: 2018 Frost & Sullivan Competitive Strategy Innovation and Leadership Award. Joint Health Ingredient Industry

SupplySide West CPG Editor's Choice Award 2014 badge with a blue ribbon and purple laurel.

Winner: 2014 Supply Side CPG Editor’s Choice Award

Redd Remedies JOINThealth Soft Chews containing NEM®

'2011 Frost & Sullivan Best Practices Award.'

Winner: 2011 Frost & Sullivan North American Dietary Supplements for Joint Health New Product Innovation of the Year Award

'Frost & Sullivan 2009 Best Practices Award certificate.'

Winner: 2009 Frost & Sullivan North American Bone & Joint Health Promising Ingredient of the Year Award

4. The Mindset of Big Pharma

If this ingredient is truly so potent and powerful.

Why haven't we heard of it before?

Why isn't it sold in pharmacies?

The answer is simple really, it's because of low profit margins.

The pharmaceutical industry investors would pick high-profit margins over providing value any day of the week.

Why help people in need and have a healthy business at the same time when you can double, or triple heck even quadruple your investments?

MRI scan of a human knee joint with labeled anatomical structures.

If I ever get to have a conversation with one of them, this is how I'd imagine it would go:

ME: We found this incredibly potent ingredient that could be of great help to people suffering from arthritis and osteoarthritis.

The best part is it's 100% natural and you can find it in every household. There is one problem tho, it takes a lot of time and effort to produce it, and the profit margins are a little bit low.

THEM: No, thank you. I already have a list of drugs that and show strong results in a shorter time. With high-profit margins, low production costs at large volumes, and a distribution system that can sell them like crazy.

ME: Okay, even though this isn't as strong in the short term, it doesn't mask the symptoms, it targets the root cause and it has shown exponential and sustainable improvements over the long run.

And best of all, it has absolutely no side effects!

THEM: Well, who cares, and besides that's good business right?

ME: How so?

THEM: If they get more problems I can sell more solutions, if their bodies can't handle it anymore they can get surgery, and if that doesn't cut it. Well then that's just how life goes right?

ME: Yeeeah... you're pure evil.

THEM: Thanks! best of luck with your "natural solution."


Jokes aside this is a real issue. And it wasn't until recently that so many people started to rely on nutrition instead of medicine.

The jig is up tho, and many people are starting to release that it's all part of a system.

People deserve better, especially when there's a natural solution right at our fingertips.

But I suppose that's just the reality of profit-driven industries.

5. How Can I Take 12 Eggshells a Day The Right Way?

Dear reader,

This is not a sales pitch nor false marketing.

The information I shared with you today is entirely accurate.

You can find references to all the clinical trials in the footnotes.

Feel free to google any details and confirm their accuracy.

If you do take 12 eggs a day.

Boil them.

Separate the membrane from the shells.

And take them orally everyday.

Your joint and bone health will undoubtedly see SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENTS!!!

Boiling might not be as fast and effective as hydrolysis but yes the benefits will still be there.

What I'm about to offer you isn't a flashy new solution.

It's just a matter of convenience that's all.

Boiling 12 eggs everyday is not only incredibly expensive (unless you have 10-12 hens of course), but it will be a tedious and wasteful task for you.

We've put 12 partially hydrolyzed eggshells in ONE SCOOP, So you can take it daily with your favourite beverage.

4.8 | 223 Reviews

Order Now and Get Up To 55% Off

Backed by science and trusted by hundreds .

The only solution in the market Clinically Proven to:

Woman holding a container of 'Greenshell Collagen' in a home setting.

Promote Cartilage Repair

Reduce Pain & Discomfort

Reduce Bone on Bone

Reduce Stiffness

Increase Range Of Motion

Have Zero Side Effects

Safe & Secure Checkout. Risk-Free. And No Strings Attached.

Partial hydrolysis is used to initiate a pre-digestion of the tough fibrous matrix of the membrane.

Helping to ensure that beneficial components within NEM® are released from the membrane and ready to be absorbed even for individuals with poor digestion.

This partial hydrolyzation process is also key to unlocking NEM’s exceptional benefits compared to other eggshell membrane nutrients that are either completely hydrolyzed or non-hydrolyzed.

It's a simple solution, but it's effective and convenient.

Our goal is to make this natural solution readily available to everyone who needs it.

We believe that health should not come at a high cost or long term inconvenience.

That's why we have dedicated ourselves to producing the highest quality NEM® supplements at an affordable price.

This scoop has provided relief for hundreds of people with arthritis, osteoarthritis, women experiencing menopause-induced joint pain, and those struggling with exercise-induced joint pain.

So whether you're suffering from joint pain or just looking for a way to maintain your bone health, you just must give it a try.

But we didn't stop there.

We know gut health is a hot topic among our customers, so we've sprinkled in some probiotics and prebiotic fiber in this scoop as well.

Ensuring tenderness on your tummy and maximum absorption of the essential nutrients.

some soil-based organisms and inulin - a swell dietary fiber from chicory root known for helping out with insulin and glucose metabolism.

What's more, this scoop is free from a laundry list of nasties like gluten, GMOs, dairy, wheat, peanuts, soy, tree nuts, fish, shellfish, sesame, preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors.

So if you've got dietary restrictions, no worries - we got you covered!

We've put 30 of these scoops in one jar, in the form of a tasteless powder that mixes smoothly with your favorite beverage, and leaves no aftertaste.

and we called it GreenShell Collagen.

4.8 | 223 Reviews

Order Now and Get Up To 55% Off

Backed by science and trusted by hundreds .

The only solution in the market Clinically Proven to:

Woman holding a container of 'Greenshell Collagen' in a home setting.

Promote Cartilage Repair

Reduce Pain & Discomfort

Reduce Bone on Bone

Reduce Stiffness

Increase Range Of Motion

Have Zero Side Effects

Safe & Secure Checkout. Risk-Free. And No Strings Attached.

Imagine waking up each morning free from the clutches of joint pain and stiffness.

Ready to seize the day with newfound energy.

Imagine being able to enjoy simple pleasures again.

Like strolling in the park, bonding with your children, or playing with your grandchildren.

Dancing with your loved one to your favorite song

Cooking your favorite meal.

Adding more colorful flowers to your garden, without the nagging discomfort that once held you back. 

GreenShell is designed to protect your cartilage, reinforce your bones, soothe inflammation, and protect you from wear and tear.

Setting the stage for an active, fulfilling lifestyle that you know you deserve.

Open a new chapter in your life. 

A chapter filled with laughter, joy, and movement without chains. 

No longer will you need to decline invitations to gatherings or outings due to discomfort or worry about your joint health. 

Instead, you will be ready to embrace every opportunity to create lasting memories with your loved ones

To engage in lively conversations with friends

To explore new hobbies and interests

To experience the world in all its splendor

And most importantly, to live life on your terms without limitations.

Savor the freedom, vitality, and confidence that come from reclaiming control over your joint health with GreenShell Collagen.


This isn't about just managing the symptoms, it's about sparking a positive transformation that will radiate through every aspect of your life.

Gold seal with '100% Money Back Guarantee - 180 Days' text.

Unmatched Worry-Free 180-Day Money Back Guarantee

We're so sure you're going to love the leap in vitality GreenShell Collagen offers, we've put a fun twist on our guarantee. It's no ordinary promise, it's our 180-Day Dance-with-Joy or 100% Money Back Guarantee!

Here's how it works: give GreenShell Collagen a whirl, and if you're not doing the happy dance.

You can return it any day within the 180 days period. Simply give us a shout. You'll get every penny back, no questions asked.

Remember, your joy is our success, and if you're not over the moon with your experience, then our mission isn't complete.

Real Stories/Real Results

"...climbing the stairs wasn't as hard anymore. I could bend over to tie my shoes without wincing... And I got back to my garden, planting seeds for the spring. Also, those painkillers I used to take all the time became less essential."

Sophie A., 54, US

Smiling woman with glasses and purple earrings.

"The pain isn’t completely gone. It's still there, but it's more like a whisper instead of a shout.
The stiffness is way less! I'm not exactly auditioning for So You Think You Can Dance, but I can move around more freely."

Debra B., 50, US

Woman smiling at camera, holding a container of Greenshell Collagen supplement.

"The difference it made in my life wasn't just physical; it was mental and emotional too. I started feeling more like my old self again, with the energy and vitality to enjoy the activities I love!"

Lucy W., 48, US

Woman sitting outdoors holding a product smiling at the camera.

“I can finally catch up on my sleep. I missed a few episodes... it feels like I've skipped a whole season!”

Chopra W., 45, US

"3 weeks in. I take it daily in my morning coffee. my hips are in much better condition. sleep as well"

Laura, 54, US

“I recently took a very long walk, just because I can now”

Elizabeth O., 61, US

4.8 | 223 Reviews

Order Now and Get Up To 55% Off

Backed by science and trusted by hundreds .

The only solution in the market Clinically Proven to:

Woman holding a container of 'Greenshell Collagen' in a home setting.

Promote Cartilage Repair

Reduce Pain & Discomfort

Reduce Bone on Bone

Reduce Stiffness

Increase Range Of Motion

Have Zero Side Effects

Safe & Secure Checkout. Risk-Free. And No Strings Attached.